Nettle Wine (sweet) Home Brew Wine Recipe
Ingredients |
Metric |
British |
Young nettle tops |
2 L |
2 quarts |
4 pints |
1.5 kg |
3LB |
2.5 LB |
Lemons |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Root ginger |
10g |
Half an ounce |
Half an ounce |
Water |
4.5 L |
1 gallon |
1 gallon |
- Pick only the tops of the nettles, rinse them in water, and drain.
- Simmer them in some water with the bruised ginger and lemon peel (being careful to exclude any white pith) for 45 minutes.
- Strain, and make the liquor up to 4.5 L (one gallon) by adding more water.
- Pour this hot liquor over the sugar, add the lemon juice and the yeast nutrient, and stir until the sugar dissolves.
- When the liquor has cooled to 21°C add the yeast, preferably a good-purpose wine yeast
- Keep the bucket closely covered in a warm place,
- After four days stir thoroughly and transfer the liquor to a fermentation vessel and fit an airlock.
- When the wine begins to clear, rack it into fresh bottles and leave it for another three months before the final bottling.