Merry Christmas from Brew Mart!

Brew Mart will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, & New Year's Day. We will be open from 10:30 to 14:30 on Friday, the 27th, & Saturday, the 28th.

We will be open as usual on Monday the 30th of December


Free UK Delivery on orders over £75*
Brewing since 1974
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New Brew Mart Premises

Brew Mart will be moving into new purpose built business premises less than one mile from junction 30 on the M1. with plenty of car parking spaces, a customer toilet and an outside seating area for you to relax.

The address is  Brew Mart, Barbers Row, Renishaw, Sheffield S21 3UA

We are told that the build will take approximately six months  to complete and we will keep a timeline here with images to keep you informed of progress.

29th July 2023. We have moved in, however it is still not complete - but we are 98% there.

Brew Mart Shop

Hello Come on in.

Large Brew Mart Sign

Large Brew Mart sign at the entrance

Brew Mart Entrance

Brew Mart entrance

Brew Mart Counter

Brew Mart Counter

Brew Mart Supplies

Brew Mart Supples

Brew Mart Spirit Essence

Brew Mart spirit essences

Brew Mart street sign

Brew Mart street sign

17th May 2023. Do you think we will be in next week?

drive preparation

The driveway is being prepared

one sign in place

First sign in place

still a lot to do inside

Still much work to be done inside

12. 1st May 2023 Not long now

Brew Mart Signs

Brew Mart signs have arrived and are awaiting to be put up.


Sanding the shelves before waxing.

Shelf Waxing

Waxing the shelves ready to be put up.

11. 4th April 2023 The end is in site

plastering done

The whole house is now plastered. This is the shop area with the pipes for the ground souce heat pump.

trenches dug

All the trenches dug to acommodate the pipes for the ground source heat pump,

end of a long day

The end of a long and fruitful day digging all the trenches for the ground source heat pump.

10. 1st February 2023 The inside is taking shape

electrics done

The electrics are done

studding for the walls in place

The studding for the internal walls are in place

9. 14th November 2022 Completely water tight now as the doors and windows are in

windows and doors are in

Completely water proof now as the windows and doors are in and no more scafolding

8. 19th October 2022 Hurray the roof is finished

Half of the roof done

Half of the roof done

Hurray the roof is done

Hurray the roof is done

7. 21st September 2022  All the brickwork is completed the next stage the roof.

The trusses have arrived

The trusses have arrived.

The trusses are in place

The trusses are in place now waiting for the building inspector before the roof tiles can go on.

6. 28th July 2022. The groundfloor brickwork upto scaffolding level is completed, next stage the scalding will be erected.

Ground Floor brickwork

Brew Mart built upto scafolding level.

The scaffolding is up

The scaffolding is up

View of the Inside from the shop end

A view of the inside from the shop end

5. 3rd July 2022. The Builders have started all this done in one day - incredible.

Shop Wall

The shop wall

View to the North

View from the oposite end

Two Beers Please

Two beers please

Happy Sam

Proud Sam looking forward to living and working here.

Fire exit door

Fire exit door in shop area

Head on the block

Head on the block

4. 15th June 2022 All the groundwork completed!! The drains are in, the pipes covered with sand and the membrane and iron grid put in place, then 34 cubic meters of concrete to finish the the footings. The next stage once the concrete has dried the walls will start going up.

The drains are going in

The drains are going in and being covered by sand


A membrane is put in place to cover the sand


The concrete is poured and has to be left for a few days until it dries out

3..Update 18th May 2022 Foundations dug now ready for the building inspector to come and approve them.

Digging the foundations 

Digging the foundations

Digging the foundations view towards the road

Digging the foundations from the oposite end.

2. After much discussion it was finally decided it would be better to demolish the 200 year old pub and in March 2022 planning permision was approved and  April 27th  2022 the demolision was done in just one day.

Beginning of the day

Now you see it - beginning of the day

End of the day

Now you don't - end of the day

1. September 2020 Brew Mart purchased The Blacksmith Arms with a view to refurbishing it.

The Blacksmiths Arms

Tte Blacksmiths Arms

Beer Garden

The Beer Garden
