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Cider Making Starter Kits

Home Brew Starter Kits for beginners to make a cider with the right equipment & ingredients + full instructions.

Check out our Handy Hints and Tips guides and Starter Kit Instructions here

Just decide which starter kit you would like and then add the cider kit and if you like a cider press of your choice.

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Brew Mart has all the different varieties ocider making starter kits you will need to make your cider in the comfort of your own home.

You can use these kits to make forty pints of high-quality cider or make your brew  from scratch using fresh fruit.

What equipment do I need to produce cider at home?

To begin this absorbing hobby, you need a few essential pieces of equipment.

1. A bucket/fermenter and lid to make your cider together with an airlock.

2.. A hydrometer to take readings at the start and during the fermentation.

3. A long-handled paddle to stir the fermenting liquid   

4. A syphon to transfer your cider from the bucket to bottles or barrels.

5. A thermometer to keep track of the temperature during fermentation

6. Sterilising power to clean all the equipment before use

With a cider making kit, you will never be short of good cider again. You can enjoy sharing your cider with friends and family or even cater for large parties and weddings.

The easiest way to enter the winemaking world is by choosing one of the Cider making  kits from Brew Mart.

  1. The Mini Cider Making Beginners Kit is for making one-gallon or six-bottle cider made from fruit. 
  2. The Essential Home Brewing Starter Kit For Beer, Wine or Cider 5 Gal or 30 bottles of cider made from a kit.
  3. The Complete Starter Kit for Wine, Beer, or Cider contains all the equipment of the Essential Cider Making Stater Kit and also has the equipment needed for racking your cider.
  4. In addition to all the equipment of the other kits, the Delux Cider Making  Kit for beginners provides you with and excellent 12L Fruit Press and bottling will be easier with the auto syphon tube.

Each kit includes the specialized winemaking equipment to make your first batches of homemade wine. 

A Cider Making Kit  for beginners is the most important investment you will make in home brewing.

Brands of homebrew cider kits we stock include 

Click here to learn how to make cider or beer at home

Above all else, the homebrewers at Brew Mart wish to ensure each person who uses one of our cider making kits  has a fantastic first brew day and makes something to make them proud. Brew Mart has been helping brewers since 1974, and we take pride in being experts of all things home brewing and are very happy to be able to pass on our knowledge to you, 

Brew Mart has all the  cider making equipment for beginners you need to get you started.

Not sure where to start? Check out our Handy Hints and Tips guides.
